
Inspiration allows students to visually learn new things. This benefits students by clarifying thinking, reinforcing understanding, integrating new knowledge, and identifying misconceptions. Visual learning helps every age of students to learn news things and how to think. Inspiration is a great visual learning program and I was required to use it to create a story web for students. By creating a story web, a teacher is able to engage students in a visually learning way. There were two different programs that we were to choose from, Inspiration and Kidspiration. Kidspiration is geared towards younger students and Inspiration is geared towards older students. Since I am a Middle Childhood Education major, I used Inspiration.

I decided to focus this assignment on the major topics discussed in Algebra 1. These topics are: inequalities, functions and equations. I was able to show how these topics are related to one another and highlighted the major aspects of each.

To view my Inspiration please click here.